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Lesson 24 - May 4

Read Aloud Title: Groundhog Gets A Say by Pamela Curtis Swallow

Read Aloud Video

Book Introduction: On Groundhog’s Day in February, it is said that if the groundhog comes out of hibernation and sees his shadow he will go back into his den and we will have 6 more weeks of winter. Well, Groundhog is here to convince us that groundhogs deserve to have a whole month dedicated to them rather than just one day. As I read, I want you to think about the reasons Groundhog gives trying to convince people of this. 

Writing about Reading: Should groundhogs be celebrated for an entire month? Give reasons from the text to support your thinking.

Writing Prompt


Tasks: Continue with your next Zearn lesson. 

Optional Fun Learning Opportunities

National Geographic Kids-Groundhogs