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Lesson 25 - May 5

English Language Arts                                                              

Read Aloud                                                                                                              

Title: Quiet in the Garden by Aliki

Writing about Reading

Go outside to look and listen for the creatures you see and hear

Make a list of the things you see and hear



Reading: Log on to eSpark and work for 20 minutes.  


 Today we learned about plants and creatures you might see in a garden.  Have fun learning to draw one of these directive drawings of your choice!  Feel free to learn how to draw as many as you choose. 


Log on to eSpark and work for 20 minutes.   


Optional Opportunities


A-Z Countdown to Summer:  Letter I is for Ice Cream!! Enjoy your favorite ice cream treat with your family today!  


Helpful Hints:

  • Watch the video the whole way through first

  • Make sure you have a paper and pencil ready

  • Watch the video again and pause as you draw along with the artist in the video

  • After you finish your drawing, use your favorite art materials to decorate your drawing (watercolor paint, crayons, colored pencils, markers, etc)