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Lesson 28 May 8 (5th Grade)

Day 28 - May 8th  Friday

Read Aloud Title:  The Stinky Cheese Man (Part 3)  Written by John Scieskzka & Lane Smith      

Writing About Reading:

Directions:  Use your Google classroom form to respond.  Use evidence from the text in 4-6 sentences.  Use correct spelling and punctuation.


Recognize and write about what a writer does to create humor in the text. How did the author create humor in this story? 



  1. Go to and enter your username and password.  

  2. Complete the next lesson on your dashboard.  Make sure to complete one mission and earn one badge.


Choose 1: 

Option 1: Build an Ecosystem

Materials: A plastic bottle, gravel/rocks, soil, plants or plant seeds of your choice

What to do: 

  1. Start with a clean, empty bottle.

  2. Add a layer of gravel or small rocks to the bottom, ½-1 inch thick.

  3. Add a layer of soil, about ¾ inch thick. Add a small amount of water, enough to make the soil wet without flooding. You can mix additional pieces of nature into the soil, such as small rocks or pieces of wood.  

  4. Plant either seeds or 1-2 small plants. Make sure the seeds or roots are down into the soil. 

  5. Add a few bugs from outside (flies, worms, etc.)

  6. Keep your ecosystem in a cool place, away from direct sunlight. After a few days, put the lid on the bottle.

  7. Watch your plants grow! 

For more information, visit

Option 2: Draw an Ecosystem

On a piece of paper, draw an ecosystem. Your ecosystem should include: 

  • Producer

  • 2 levels of consumers

  • Decomposer

  • Landscape/surrounding environment

When you are done, take a picture and send it to your teacher.

Optional Activities

Would you rather?  

Whichever you choose, defend your answer with mathematics.  Write your answer in the box below.