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Lesson 31 May 13 (5th Grade)

Day 31 - May 13th Wednesday

Read Aloud Title: Rosie Revere, Engineer

Writing About Reading:

Directions:  Use your Google classroom form to respond.  Use evidence from the text in 4-6 sentences.  Use correct spelling and punctuation.


Readers can write summaries that include the story’s main problem and how it was solved. What was the story about? Be sure to include the main problem and how it was solved. 



  1. Go to and enter your username and password.  

  2. Complete the next lesson on your dashboard.  Be sure to complete one mission and earn one badge.


Light Lesson 2 of 3: Light Reflection and Vision

We see because of light. Light is a form of energy that moves in straight lines until it comes in contact with another object.  When it hits an object, it reflects (bounces off), refracts (bends), or is absorbed.  When light is reflected off an object, it allows us to see.

Use the information in this 10 minute video & reading passage to answer the questions below.

Double Click in the box to open the activity.  Click & drag  the ovals to circle the answers.